Making the Case for Teaching about Religion in the Big D, TV & more


So much to catch up on as Faith Ed, my book on teaching about religion in the schools celebrates its ninth month of existence. I recently traveled to Dallas to give a talk for the Jewish Book Council. Pictured with me above are: Mark Chancey, a religion scholar from Southern Methodist University, who participated in a panel with me and Rabbi Steve Gutow, and the panel moderator Cheryl Drazin. Cheryl led us through a discussion on the issues covered in Faith Ed, … Continue reading

Washington Post Publishes Op-Ed Stemming from Faith Ed. & Decatur Book Fest Report


Greetings to new and old subscribers! The photo you’re seeing is me from this past weekend’s Decatur Book Festival. I’m standing in the sales tent for Eagle Eye Books of Decatur about an hour before my talk to a crowd of 200. As fun as it was to see a huge pile of my books in one place, it was even nicer to see people buying ’em after my talk.

Recap of the Decatur Book Festival: For fun, I … Continue reading